Environmental performance

Airgrup aims to be an environmental-friendly company and as such, environmental awareness is behind all of the processes and procedures within the management system. Within Airgrup’s organization there are specific resources dedicated to maintain and control the Environmental Management System accredited according to ISO14001 standard.

As demanded by the industry, we are working to reduce the environmental impact over the product life cycle even beyond the sphere of Airgrup. It covers all steps from materials procurement, production, transportation, to disposal of products and wastes.

In line with the Quality & Environment Policy, Airgrup is committed to comply with the European REACH regulation (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) towards the progressive substitution of chrome-based products to hexavalent chrome-free ones in all of the manufacturing processes (e.g. painting, anodizing, …).

The main activities to support those stated above are the following:

  • Identification and evaluation of aspects related to activities, products and services that might have significant environmental impacts
  • Identification, control and evaluation of the applicable environmental regulations
  • Identification and control of the activities related to significant environmental aspects
  • Environmental monitoring and measurement